Tuesday, April 14, 2015

door #50

" you must knock on door number 25 or 50 or 100
as enthusiastically as you did on the first door that was closed in your face

you need to be prepared for a lot of rejection and never give up enthusiasm
it'll get you eventually to a successful area"
. . . 
- john paul dejoria (co-founder of paul mitchell hair and patron spirits)

read this powerful quote 
and it resonated with me
knocking on door #50 
without loosing enthusiasm
takes a great deal of faith

we tend to expect what we are used to
50 doors slammed in our faces
we expect door #51 to produce the same result
almost a defense mechanism
preparing for the worst
the challenge is to prepare for the best
keeping a glimmer of hope
never loosing enthusiasm
that maybe the next door just might be it
. . . 

found this image while cleaning out my computer
shot last year while i was in barcelona
i spent a day solo
traveling to a small town i had heard of
scary experience getting lost in a foreign country with limited phone/internet access
but well worth it
. . . 

be bold
be enthusiastic
prepare for the best

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